Project liaison group
To increase awareness of research conducted in the field of Artificial Intelligence and the security sector, ALIGNER has partnered with European research projects addressing issues related to ALIGNER’s topics. The aim of this liaison group is to build a connected community of experts, share and challenge ideas and promote a unified European perspective on AI. Related projects interested in joining the liaison group and participating in events and other dissemination activities, can register by mail to
Since the early stages of our project, we have especially been establishing links with our two sister projects popAI and Starlight that have received funding under the same Horizon call H2020-SU-AI-2020.

A European Positive Sum Approach towards AI tools in support of Law Enforcement and safeguarding privacy and fundamental rights
popAI aims at fostering trust in the application of AI and AI-enabled mechanisms in the security domain, by increasing awareness, social engagement and gathering knowledge and expertise from multiple sectors (e.g. academic and non-academic actors). This approach will offer a unified European view across LEAs, while encouraging the creation of an ecosystem that could provide the structural architecture of a sustainable and inclusive European AI hub for Law Enforcement.

Sustainable Autonomy and Resilience for LEAs using AI against High priority Threats
LEA’s data-rich environments provide the opportunity to adopt AI tools and capabilities that improve investigatory practices and limit the criminal misuse of AI. Through STARLIGHT, LEAs will collaboratively develop their autonomy and resilience in the use of AI for tackling major criminal threats. STARLIGHT aims to create a community that brings together LEAs, researchers, industry and practitioners in the security ecosystem under a coordinated and strategic effort to bring AI into operational practices.

Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Data Analytics for Law Enforcement Agencies
AIDA focuses on cybercrime and terrorism by approaching specific issues and challenges related to LEAs investigation and intelligence using pioneering machine learning and artificial intelligence methods. The proposed solution aims to deliver a descriptive and predictive data analytics platform and related tools to prevent, detect, analyse, and combat criminal activities.

Countering Radicalisation for a Safer World
CounteR supports the fight against radicalisation and thus the prevention of future terrorist attacks. Its goal is to provide law enforcement agencies, Internet providers and Social media platforms with an early-warning tool to be used in the detection of potential radical content for the prevention of radicalisation spread.

Shedding Light on Cybercrime and Providing a more Comprehensive and Collaborative Response to Cyber Attacks
CYBERSPACE will provide the bigger picture regarding cybercrime in the European Union. By facilitating reporting of cyber attacks, mapping response actions, and coordinating between LEAs, policymakers, and the private sector and across national borders, LEAs‘ capacities to investigate cybercrime will be enhanced.

European Network of CBRN Training Centres
eNOTICE establishes a European network of CBRN training centres, testing and demonstration sites to enhance CBRN training capacity for improved preparedness and incident response through increased collaboration between CBRN training centres and practitioners’ needs-driven CBRN innovation and research.

Empowering a Pan-European Network to Counter Hybrid Threats
EU-HYBNET aims to empower its network to fight against hybrid threats by proliferating knowledge and facilitating cooperation between industry, practitioners and academia, and by providing advanced solutions for network collaboration and delivering recommendations for training, standardization and industriali-zation of cutting-edge innovations.

Security of Explosives pan-European Specialists Network
EXERTER will provide practitioners with a platform to improve the operative knowledge and tools for enhancing the security of our society by enabling the exchange of information about the challenges of countering terrorist threats, the related operational requirements on methodologies, tools and technology and the status in R&I.

Global Response Against Child Exploitation
GRACE aims to provide a European-wide platform that equips European law enforcement agencies with advanced analytical and investigative capabilities to respond to the spread of online child sexual exploitation material (CSEM). GRACE aims to achieve significant operational value for LEAs through improving the investigative capabilities and responses to combatting online CSEM.

image Manipulation Attack Resolving Solutions
iMARS develops tools to detect manipulated face images (and in particular morphed face images) in the identity document life cycle, and mobile tools to verify the authenticity and integrity of identity documents. iMARS will also provide training, guidelines, and best practices to people involved in ID document application, delivery and control, to increase their ability to detect morphing and other image manipulation.

Innovative Cluster for Radiological and Nuclear Emergencies
INCLUDING aims to provide a full-fledged and comprehensive training in the radiological and nuclear (RN) security sector at European level. Starting from the existing training resources of the partners in the consortium, it aims to en-hance practical know-how and boost a European sustainable training and development frame-work for practitioners in the RN Security sector.

European Procurer Networking for security research services
iProcureNet aims to create an ecosystem of procurers, prescribers, legal advisors and other key stakeholders of security procurement, to share procurement trends and needs, and open pathways for innovation in procurement and joint procurement across EU member states.

A Platform for Monitoring and Prediction of Social Impact and Acceptability of Modern Border Control Technology
METICOS aims to create an up-to-date acceptance classification scheme as well as a societal and ethical impact dashboard of border control technologies, to empower three major sub-divisions of the wider border control sector: travelers, border control authorities and service providers.

Pan-European Network of Customs Practitioners
PEN-CP acts as a European Customs innovation boosting network, powered by an innovation-centric online platform, and tailored innovation intermediary services. PEN-CP focuses on accelerating innovation efforts across three core Customs technical areas: Data and risk management, detection technologies, and laboratory equipment.

Powerful Lawful Interception, Investigation, and Intelligence
POLIIICE vision is to advance European LEAs to a novel lawful interception (LI), investigation and intelligence era in which they will be able to effectively prevent, detect and investigate crime and terrorism amid the new age of communication (5G&Beyond, end-to-end encrypted communication and Quantum based encryption).

Foundations of Trustworthy AI – Integrating Reasoning, Learning and Optimization
TAILOR aims to build the capacity to provide the scientific foundations for Trustworthy AI in Europe. It develops a network of research excellence centres, leveraging and combining learning, optimisation, and reasoning. These systems are meant to provide descriptive, predictive, and prescriptive systems integrating data-driven and knowledge-based approaches.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement no. 101020574.