Getting involved
To allow broad participation of practitioners, researchers, industry professionals, policymakers and members of civil society, ALIGNER makes use of its Law Enforcement Agency Advisory Board and its Scientific, Industrial and Ethics Advisory Board. Members of these advisory boards can participate in project workshops, provide feedback and guidance on activities and outcomes of the project, and will act as information conduits between the project and other stakeholders.
Individual experts can become members of ALIGNER’s advisory boards by declaring interest via the online form below. After a positive review of the declaration of interest, CBRNE Ltd. – as manager of ALIGNER’s advisory boards – will contact prospective advisory board members with initial instructions and further information.
In addition to its two advisory boards, ALIGNER maintains a liaison group with other research projects that cover topics connected to the topics of ALIGNER.
Law Enforcement Agency Advisory Board (LEAAB)
The LEAAB gathers professionals from policing and law enforcement, security professionals, customs agencies, and other law enforcement agencies. Its members provide ALIGNER with information on capacity enhancement needs and other requirements for the use of AI in law enforcement.
LEAAB members
- France | Gendarmerie Nationale | École Nationale Supérieure de la Police
- Greece | Justice and Home Affairs Counsellor
- Ireland | An Garda Síochána
- Lithuana | Lithuanian Cybercrime Center of Excellence for Training, Research and Education
- The Netherlands | Dutch Royal Marechaussee
- Poland | Police Academy in Szczytno | WSPol
- Serbia | University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies
- Sweden | Swedish Customs Authority | Swedish National Courts Administration
- United Kingdom | Police Service of Northern Ireland | Roke Manor | West Midlands Police | West Yorkshire Police | City of London Police | NHS Fraud Agency
- USA | Principal Cyber Security Consultant

Scientific, Industrial and Ethics Advisory Board (SIEAB)
The SIEAB consists of researchers, industry professionals, ethicists and civil society representatives, and academia. Its members provides ALIGNER with input on current developments from industry and research.
SIEAB members
- Belgium | Center for Applied Molecular Technologies | Namur Digital Institute | The International Emergency Management Society
- Czech Republic | Palacký University Olomouc
- France | EU project FIRE-IN | French National Fire Officers Academy | Intelligence & Science Applications
- Germany | Technische Universität Hamburg | Global Organization for Security and Intelligence | Institute for Security Policy at Kiel University | Bundeswehr University Munich | Mittweida University of Applied Sciences | German Police University | ARQIS | Responsible Innovators
- Greece | Institute of Communication and Computer Systems
- Italy | Engineering | Studio Filippi | University of Campania | Zanasi and Partners
- Ireland | Clarity Research
- Kosovo | University of Prishtina
- Norway | Forsvarets forskningsinstitutt
- Poland | MORATEX Institute of Security Technologies
- Portugal | University of Porto | TEKEVER
- Romania | Centre for Advanced Research in Management and Ethics
- Sweden | Umea University | University of Linkoping
- United Kingdom | Aston Lark Ltd | Zenzium Ltd | University of Reading | Synbiosys | Intrepid Minds | Middlesex University London | Griffeye Technologies | University of Leicester

Want to get involved?

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement no. 101020574.