ALIGNER Survey on AI Trends and Developments
Do you work in law enforcement and policing, or are you a researcher, industry professional or policy maker involved with AI?
How do you view current AI trends and their impact on law enforcement and policing– as an opportunity or challenge?
We want to hear about your experiences!
If you would like to contribute to our research on AI as part of Project ALIGNER, take this 10-minute survey designed to find out
how current AI trends are impacting the work of police and law enforcement.
Link to the survey: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=DDAw-X3JGUC-A63WUKFxxA0kQ5kcjXhNl08Ip50Dv7NUMERGTlhIMlM1TzhIVzVKSkhBWTFMU0dCNC4u